Signature test and requirements

From this page you can verify if your equipment is correctly configured to start any electronic procedure or sign in this Electronic Headquarters. For this, it is previously necessary:

  • Have an electronic certificate (digital certificate of the FNMT, DNIe or any other included in @firma).
  • The electronic certificate must be accessible from your web browser (local, cryptographic card, etc.). In case of the DNIe or cryptographic card you must have the access controllers installed correctly.

You can check the configuration your equipment needs in this link.

We remind you that you can access the FAQ section FAQs If you want to get answers quickly and directly.

What is necessary to configure in the computer to make an electronic signature?

  • Autofirm@. You can make electronic signatures without having Java in the browser. To do this you must have the application installed Autofirm@. Check that you have the latest version installed. If the 32-bit version does not work for you, try the 64-bit version, it must be the same as your browser.
  • Digital certificate. The certificate must be accessible from the browser (in local, cryptographic card...). If you use DNIe you must have the reader access controllers installed.

To verify that you have correctly configured your equipment, you can perform a signature test below. The electronic signature you make does not have any legal validity, it is a system test.